Bookstore Price Match Guarantee
If you find a lower price for a new book within 7 days of purchase from our online bookstore, we'll refund you the difference.
Before submitting your claim, please be sure your item meets the following conditions: +
- We price match national online retail sites (e.g. Amazon, B& and local brick and mortar competitors (e.g. Shakespeare & Company).
- Price match excludes rental orders, even if you choose to buy-out your rental during your rental term or are charged a buyout penalty.
- To be eligible for price match, the book must be listed on the bookstore site for your enrolled courses.
- We will match the book or bundle price by exact ISBN, in new condition and in the same format.
- The price match will only be honored if the book is in stock on a competitor’s website at the time of your purchase from the bookstore.
- Price match differences will be remitted in bookstore credit to be used within 12 months. Books that receive a price match credit cannot be returned.
- Limit one price match per title per customer.
This policy is subject to periodic change by the bookstore, and to binding interpretation by the bookstore.